호찌민은 베트남의 공산주의 혁명가이자 독립운동가, 초대 국가 주석이다. ‘응우옌아이꾸옥’ 이라는가명으로반식민지주의자로서명성을높였고베트남사람들에게는호아저씨라는이름으로불리고있다.
찍신의 수능완전정복(017)-글의 내용 일치
Ho Chi Minh에관한다음글의내용과일치하지않는것은? In 1941, a Vietnamese revolutionary passed the jungles of southern China and entered Vietnam. For the first time in 30 years, the man called Ho came back in his motherland. In 1911 he had left Vietnam, working as an apprentice chef aboard a ship. After visiting many countries, he soaked up a wide knowledge of Western society and atmosphere, and later he studied in Paris, London, and Moscow. Under an assumed name “Nguyen Ai Quoc” instead of Ho Chi Minh, he began to enhance a reputation as an anticolonialist. The articles he wrote electrified his countrymen and enraged the French. He contributed to his country’s independence, his lifelong cause.